We conduct research to generate data and evidence to direct community nutrition intervention for resilience, sustainable food systems and nutrition patterns to ensure access to healthy diets. Addressing malnutrition, dietary related illness such as obesity, diabetes through improved health eating. Responding to the need for nutritious and indigenous foods for people living with immunocompromising diseases. Accelerate innovation and technology transfer for improved agricultural productivity in livestock and crops.
Addressing increasing inequalities among women, children and the youth in rural communities. Designed responses include adapting sustainable livelihood models to poverty, improving access to resources and markets, and advocate for increased effectiveness of legislative obligations (policies and implementation strategies). Providing solutions to improve income generating opportunities and social enterprise with a focus on women.
We respond to increasing insecurity in water and energy for livestock and crop production. Addressing challenges of water stress regions, developing solutions for meaningful impact on agricultural productivity. Our model of approach is aimed optimizing water and energy for food production. We develop cross sectional approach of water (quantity, quality & safety); energy; food (productivity, quality & safety); land (soil health) and climate change. Research themes: irrigation (moisture tube, drip) mechanization and industrialization of water systems, crop productivity (nutritional water), energy harvesting, sensor in production (livestock and crop).
We optimize formats that bring producer and processor together in the agricultural commodity value chain. intensification of primary processing activities in the vertical chain for improved operation and efficiency in the down stream including markets. Helping smallholder farmers and processors meeting the market systems requirements. Themes: postharvest technologies, good agricultural practices.
We promote inclusive sustainability agriculture in function of livelihood responses, women, men and youth, and experiences of diverse social group. Some of the objectives include equal participation of women and men in decision making, economic empowerment - access to productive resources, income and employment, technology transfer that help reduce burden for women, increase women participation in agriculture.
Our implementation framework is participatory integrated systems approach of livelihood response, health response and legal response. In our work, legal framework is significant component of development addressing inequalities, violence and discrimination to bring about inclusive social change including rights to food, economic and social rights, children's rights, reproductive health rights for women and adolescent girls.